
Showing posts from September, 2023

“In The Air Tonight”

  “In The Air Tonight” A little late in the day for my post but all I’m gonna say is Saturday Sale!  Do not miss out on this incredible new outfit from Blueberry called Adelaide. Then, run over to TRUTH and pick up this gorgeous curly hair called Wisteria!!  You DO NOT want to miss out on these 2 deals!!  I am also wearing the brand new layered necklace from RAWR called Mimi.  And what’s better than eanjouing some wine in the crisp fall air by the fire pit? This wine and cigarette is from rvn and is exclusively at the Kinky event right now.  Ok. I said what I needed….now follow the links before Saturday is over!  D E T A I L S → ——————————————————— ❥Blueberry Adelaide Set (New Release Available @mainstore for TSS) Blueberry Mainstore Taxi: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ❥TRUTH Collective Wisteria Hair (Available @mainstore for TSS 9/30) TRUTH Mainstore Taxi: h...

“Let’s Talk About Sex”

  “Let’s Talk About Sex” 🎶”Let’s talk about sex baby…Let’s talk about you and me…”🎵 Class is in session with me!  I know this post is kinda like a dejavu from yesterday’s, but I couldn’t resist showing you this super pretty, and very seductively sexy outfit from roslyn!  This is exclusively at the Seoul Sessions Event right now. There is something so classic with a crisp, button down shirt under a sleeveless sweater vest. Bit when you make it just a short little dress that gives you a peak at those panties, then it takes it to a whole other level of sexy sophistication!  I’m RL and SL I almost always have an iced coffee in hand, so I had to grab this one from rue. The iced coffee comes in 3 different flavor choices and has a My Story version as well! Best part?????? It’s for this weekends Saturday Sale! Definitely go and grab one or all!  The other cute little touch is this Polaroid pic that you can customize with your own pic! I decided to throw a RL wave to ...

“Cinnamon Girl”

  “Cinnamon Girl” Shhh…it’s the calm in the house before everyone else wakes up (aside from the fur babies) and I’m enjoying my pumpkin iced latte to wake me up. I love my sunrise over the NY skyline in this lofty apartment that costs a bajillion dollars to rent a month 😝  Anyway, what am I wearing this morning you ask? The newest, coziest sweater and undies set from Roslyn! This is brand new and exclusive at The Fifty right now. I chose to go with the pumpkin spice  colors, but it also comes in lots of other choices too!  I also have a bad habit of falling asleep with jewelry on…woops. This set is star-tastic and new from RAWR of course. You can find this set at Uber right now!  Now I’m gonna go enjoy this peaceful time with my animals and coffee before the hectic day starts.  See you all later!  D E T A I L S → ——————————————————— ❥roslyn. Rylan outfit (Exclusively @The Fifty) The Fifty Taxi:

“Goodnight Moon”

  “Goodnight Moon” Throwing in some more spooky vibes on this one tonight….it’s a mood.  My animesh crow friend sitting on my shoulder is brand new from Aardvark. This is going to be 1 of the amazing things you can find on the Masquerade & Murder Halloween grid wide hunt starting on Oct 1st!  This sexy dress is brand new from [ADD] and is exclusive to the Dubai event! It has a latex or silk material choice and comes in so many amazing colors! I love this one!  This gorgeous tattoo called LUCKINESS pairs perfectly with my dress. This one has 3 BOM layers for intensities and it’s available at the mainstore!  Kinky is opening tomorrow so I’m giving you a sneak peak at the brand new necklace from RAWR! This is a harness style necklace and has a matching bellychain too! It even says my favorite word!  Lastly, I’m holding the lantern that comes in a brand new poseset from Hazeel Poses called Light in The Dark. The best part is this will be available for only ...


  “Afterglow” I’m so in love with this little lace negligée from [Glitzz]. The intricate pattern throughout is so romantic and I love so much how the ribbons wrap around it like you’re the gift! Which you are btw!  I’m even more in love with the fact that this new release is available for an amazing discount until tomorrow! So make sure you get to the mainstore now!!  The gorgeous, bling choker is also from [Glitzz] and this one is exclusively at Anthem right now. Definitely dresses up anything you pair this with!  I am using the brand new poseset from B(u)Y ME called “Afterglow”  This is exclusively at The PosEvent right now. This set comes with a cigarette to hold in either hand and 5 poses. They all capture that “afterglow” look you have about you after…well you know 😜  D E T A I L S → ——————————————————— ❥[Glitzz] Luiza Dress  (New release @mainstore. Happy Weekend special price 9/22-9/27) [Glitzz] Mainstore Taxi:


  “CELESTIAL” So much newness packed in this pic!  Let’s start off by looking at this ultra sexy dress from DIVERSION. This was the exclusive dress for the most recent rooms of Cyber Fair. Don’t worry though, you can now grab it at the main store right now! Of course, this comes in many different colors and you can customize the color of the trim and mesh!  The absolutely incredible all over tattoo/skin from IVY is exclusive to the Chronicles & Legends event going on until the 30th.  The pattern is just so mesmerizing and magical. Best part is this is a BOM layer of 3 intensities and also comes with the ear layer!  The gorgeous harness necklace is from the amazing RAWR! This is the new set (with matching bellychain) out at The Warehouse Sale Event.  I’m also a total fanatic over all of piXit’s poses and props, so of course I had to have the moon poseset that is out at The Sabbath Event right now!  D E T A I L S → ——————————————————— ❥ DIVERSION VYR...

“Poison” (#BigGirl Event)

  “Poison” (#BigGirl Event) So still sticking with the spooky season vibes….I’m tappin into my “inner@ witch tonight.  This dress is sure to put a spell on someone, right?  This sexy black dress is from Beautiful Dirty Rich called Claire. This is exclusively at BigGirl right now.  The awesome bat tattoo is from Onyx and is also exclusive to the BigGirl Event right now. The tattoo is on the neck but has amazing bat attachments. It gives this tat a really cool 3D look! Definitely perfect for this time of year!!  D E T A I L S → ——————————————————— ❥ .::Beautiful Dirty Rich::.Claire Dress (Exclusively @#BigGirl Event) #BigGirl Event Taxi: ..::BDR::.. Mainstore Taxi: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ❥[Onyx] Inside Tattoo  (Exclusively @#BigGirl Event) #BigGirl Event Taxi:

“Bad Romance”

  “Bad Romance” I don’t care if it’s not even October yet! It’s full on spooky season for me! I’m easing into it on the “cute” side though.  I couldn’t resist this adorable, sexy and ultra comfy little set from Polilla. The best part is it’s available at The Sales Room right now for an amazing discount! It has solid colors as well as a few Halloween prints like the one I’m showing you.  Remember, The Sales Room is open until the 28th, so make sure you go there soon!  The cute little mouth accessory is brand new and exclusive from Just Yaska at The Cosmopolitan event. It has a few different colors you can choose from for the straps and game.  I also scored the cute bat headband and Wasabi hair for Fifty Linden Friday!  D E T A I L S → ——————————————————— ❥::Polilla:: Store The Spoopy Romper ❥::Polilla:: Store The Snoopy Socks (Available @The Sales Room) The Sales Room Taxi: ::Polilla:: Mainstore Taxi:...

“Sweet Dreams” (#BigGirl Event)

  “Sweet Dreams” (#BigGirl Event) If you don’t have a pet crow that sits on your shoulder whispering awful things in your ear…then I highly suggest you get one!  Anyway, not the point of my blog tonight. The point are these ahhh mazing boots from pOOnsh called Lala. These are exclusively at Tres Chic right now! I strongly suggest you pick up the Fatpack with these! You will want them in every possible color! And they come with an optional blood splatter add on…just in time for spooky season!  Also, don’t forget BigGirl is still going strong! Make sure while you’re there, pick up this hot little romper by Kathleen’s! You can pick the main color and also customize the trim and bow color!  The neck tattoo is by VUDU and you can get this at BigGirl as well! It comes in different ink intensities too if you like the more faded/aged look!  The spiky, prickly, bracelets and armlets are new and exclusive from RAWR. These are only available at the Black Fair right now! It...


  “ABCDEFU” Almost the end of September already and school is well underway! I’m keeping up with my studies, in style of course, with the help of roslyn and rue fashion and accessories!  BTW, I’m so honored and super happy to have become a blogger for them!  This sexy and studious outfit is new and exclusive at Tres Chic from roslyn! I love the short little skirt and the half tucked, comfy sweater look.  I’m also in love with all the rich color choices roslyn offers.  The accessories are from rue and can be found right next to the roslyn outfit at Tres Chic! This fuzzy, cute bag comes in a few different color choices. The notebook and laptop can also be purchased so you have a choice to wear them together or separately! Of course they have built in bento holds and a decor option!  D E T A I L S → ——————————————————— ❥roslyn. kassidy outfit  (Exclusively @Tres Chic) Tres Chic Taxi: roslyn. Main...

“Ain’t It Fun” (The Sales Room)

  “Ain’t It Fun” (The Sales Room) Have I mentioned how much I love this time of year? It’s the time of year to be a little mysterious and dabble on the dark side without being questioned. Like walking around with a skeleton wearing a beret! He’s my new boyfriend and I love him! You can find others like him at Kustom9 along with the beret I’m wearing too!  The Sales Room is also open until the 28th and I wanted to show you this super comfy flannel dress you can get there! This is by KARNA and it comes in a few different colors!  I paired it with these cute nails from ::NN:: that you can find there as well.  Everything at The Sales Room is available between 50-99L, which is an amazing steal! The Sales Room is also now open as a monthly event that runs from the 10th-28th! Make sore to swing by and see what they have!  D E T A I L S → ——————————————————— ❥KARNA Billie long Tartan shirt (Available @The Sales Room) The Sales Room Taxi:

“Welcome To New York”

  “Welcome To New York” Nothing like a rainy Monday to kick off the week! I’m on my lunch break and I’m out grabbing a slice of pizza! Yum!  Of course I do it in style though. Showing off my brand new outfit from [ADD] that’s exclusive to the Cosmopolitan event.  I love the tight little crop tee with the lace detail on the side. Plus you can choose to have the shiny sequin sticker on the front or keep it solid!  The denim skirt takes me back to the days I would bedazzle my own denim too. I love the super cute heart stones scattered on the front. The best part is you can customize the colors of the hearts!  This one is going to be a staple in your wardrobe ladies, so go grab it!  D E T A I L S → ——————————————————— ❥[ADD] Tina Set (Exclusively @Cosmopolitan) Cosmopolitan Event Taxi: [ADD] Mainstore Taxi: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::...

“Angels Fall” (#BigGirl Event)

  “Angels Fall” (#BigGirl Event) Have you checked out the September round of #BigGirl yet?? I’m sure you have… But just incase you need to see more of what is available there, I’ll show it to you! This “oh so sexy” and gorgeous lingerie set from Via Fulo is so feminine and romantic. With the corset and little lace top, to the pasties and panties, there are a million ways to mix n match the colors with this set! Or choose to not wear a piece of it. I love outfits that are super versatile!  You can also find this backdrop by VILE and poseset from dovely there as well! This backdrop is so pretty and romantic. It has a hanging sling in the middle of the room with huge Angel wings attached to it. Plus the poses coordinate with it beautifully! Nothing like a seductive Angel…or devil in disguise 😉  This amazing, colorful tattoo is a brand new one out at KAOS Tattoos Mainstore right now! I absolutely love the colors and details on this one. The picture doesn’t do it justice! Go ...

“Black Magic”

  “Black Magic” Oh hi there!  Don’t mind me. This is a typical Saturday evening. Spending some alone time in a whimsical, fall forest reading a book of spells. Seems I have turned my Prince Charming into an adorable frog.  This animesh frog is from Aardvark and it’s exclusively available at the new round of the Kawaii Project!  It has lots accessories too! Like a crown, bow tie, wizard staff and witch hat! Plus you can change the color!  This beautiful outfit I’m wearing is from Aleutia and this one is brand new and exclusive to  Kustom9!  This one is absolutely gorgeous with all the detail! I love the quilted pattern the shirt has and the overlapping of the belts on the skirt. Plus the pattern and color choices are just amazing! This is so perfect for fall! Ladies, this is a must have for the fall wardrobe!  Also, check out how beautiful my layered necklace is from RAWR!  I mean, it’s no secret my favorite jewelry in SL is whatever RAWR puts...

“Bad Medicine” (#BigGirl Event)

  “Bad Medicine” (#BigGirl Event) Spooky Season is finally upon us! If you are already trying to figure out what to be this Halloween then you should definitely consider the naughty, twisted nurse look!  This sexy latex nurse outfit is brand new and exclusive at #BigGirl right now! Yep, you read that right! The new round of #BigGirl opened today!! This one is jam packed with so many sexy and amazing things like this outfit!  I also couldn’t resist the cute little heart mole on my leg by moonwaii. This is the lower mole set for the legs. You can wear them all or mix n match them! You can pick this set up at BigGirl as well!  Well I need to get back to my patient and inject some medicine…. D E T A I L S → ——————————————————— ❥{ Le’La } Latex Nurse Exclusively @#BigGirl Event  #BigGirl Event Taxi: { Le’La } Mainstore Taxi: ::::::::::::...


  “EXTRATERRESTRIAL” I’m so happy to be back home from the hospital and to finally get back to blogging!  I am also super duper excited to have gotten accepted as a blogger for roslyn!!   So this post I am showing you the amazing Cyber Fair exclusive outfit from roslyn called Farrah!  This one is such a pretty yellow with orange hues! You can also buy the tail and boots that go with it! Definitely gives off this sassy and sexy cyber vibe!  This adorable animesh robot that offers flowers is an exclusive at 13th Street Event! This guy is called the Demeter robot and it’s from [Angel Craft] He had lots of different movements and he offers you a flower! So cute!  Again, so glad to be back and I am sorry for my absence the last few days! Thanks so much for always supporting me and checking out my work! 😘  D E T A I L S → ——————————————————— ❥roslyn. Farrah outfit with tail and boots  (Exclusively @Cyber Fair) Cyber Fair Taxi: http://maps.secondli...

"Love Me Like You Do"

  "Love Me Like You Do" Good Sunday afternoon! I couldn’t wait to show you this absolutely stunning 2 piece set from Glitzz called Isa. This is one of their latest releases and is available at the mainstore right now! I have always been a fan of old fashioned, Hollywood glam look and to me this nails it! You can totally picture some old Hollywood starlet wearing this on the silver screen.  Even though it’s a little cheeky in the rear view, this outfit can be worn to a club or really anywhere in SL…not just the bedroom! Not to mention all the rich delicious colors this comes in! Just get the fatpack since you will have a hard time choosing! This poseset from B(u)Y Me called seduction was also perfect to pair with the outfit. This set is brand new and exclusive to the Kinky Event right now! This is definitely loaded with some seriously sexy bedroom poses! They will leave your guy or girl begging for more!  D E T A I L S → ——————————————————— ❥[Glitzz] Isa Top and Panties (A...