“In The Air Tonight”

“In The Air Tonight” A little late in the day for my post but all I’m gonna say is Saturday Sale! Do not miss out on this incredible new outfit from Blueberry called Adelaide. Then, run over to TRUTH and pick up this gorgeous curly hair called Wisteria!! You DO NOT want to miss out on these 2 deals!! I am also wearing the brand new layered necklace from RAWR called Mimi. And what’s better than eanjouing some wine in the crisp fall air by the fire pit? This wine and cigarette is from rvn and is exclusively at the Kinky event right now. Ok. I said what I needed….now follow the links before Saturday is over! D E T A I L S → ——————————————————— ❥Blueberry Adelaide Set (New Release Available @mainstore for TSS) Blueberry Mainstore Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lenox%20and%20Blueberry/129/163/29 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ❥TRUTH Collective Wisteria Hair (Available @mainstore for TSS 9/30) TRUTH Mainstore Taxi: h...