“Bring Me To Life”


“Bring Me To Life”

Mmmm, mmmmm, mmmm

Ladies and gentlemen, let me please introduce you to “Helena” 

The latest skin release from LeLapeau! She is breathtaking and a bit hypnotizing. Her look is sultry and very sexy! It’s all in the brows imo! 

But if the brows aren’t your thang, you can go with the browless option and choose your own! 

Go try out a demo of her at the latest round of Kustom9 for yourself! 

The adorable and fun nose chain is brand new from Garmonbozia! 

The bows and hearts that adorn the front of it is so cute and sweet. Plus this has so many different color options! Go check this out at Dollholic right now! 

Oh yea, and this pesky, and super cute kitty on my head is brand new from Aardvark! She has cute little movements and has the “everlove”companion system! Which means these kitties can partner with another avatars pet! 

These can be found at the latest round of The Arcade. They come in multiple colors, and depending on which one you get, they can be worn on different parts of the body! 

D E T A I L S →


❥Garmonbozia Kawaii Nose Chain

(Exclusively @Dollholic)



❥LeLAPEAU Helena Skin

(Exclusively @Kustom9)



❥Aardvark Plushie kitties 

(Exclusively @The Arcade)




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